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Showing posts with label Quilting bee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quilting bee. Show all posts

Quilting Bee

This one I made for Vidya, the queen bee of the month of September. I call it a tetris block. Let see if I can come up with something else. Since the queen bee doesn't give any specific instruction just it has to be MODERN with lots of NEGATIVE SPACE. So till the month is up, hopefully I'll be able to make something else.

This wonky log cabin I made 2 months back for Vidya

And this one is for Veena. 

This is my first time joining a quilting bee and I'm having a lot of fun making and learning new block every month. Currently I'm in 2 bees with Desi Quilters, the second one I join is called Sunny Bee. Quoting from the blog "The theme is the 'Sun' and all that it means to you. Its all about living life 'Sunny Side Up". So, yes, it's going to be a lot more FUN...

Happy Quilting

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