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Showing posts with label baking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baking. Show all posts

The Easiest Choco Cupcake

I found this recipe somewhere on the net (sorry forgot the website) and I've been using this few times. I don't cook or bake too often and when I do, I like doing something easy and fast ^^

So, here's my easiest Cupcake recipe (make 16)


150 gr butter
150 gr ground sugar
175 gr flour
1 tsf baking powder
3 eggs
2 tbsp choco powder
1 tsf vanilla essence

1. Lightly beat the eggs with fork.
2. Put all ingredients + eggs in a bowl and mix it with low speed mixer for 2 mins or until it's soft and creamy.
3. Preheat your oven and line your cupcake tray with cupcake liners.Drop 1 tbs of the mixture.
4. Bake until done. 

If you're lucky it'll done in less than an hour ^^

Bon Apetit

the cupcake story

I'm not very lucky when it comes to baking a cake. somehow the consistency is never right. so far I only succeeded in baking brownies and caramel cakes.
I have been wanted to have blueberry cupcake for sometimes, and one day I was chatting with my childhood friend in my blackberry and we talked about cooking and baking. i visited her blog and there it is the blueberry cupcake with the recipes. so for the last 2 days I have been baking cupcakes and it turned out soo yummy...

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