I finished making x-mas gift for my friend today. I wish I could make more and send to as many friends as I could. Though I don't celebrate x-mas, but it's always a pleasure to make x-mas gift for my friends. Well, I usually send cards but this time I decided I'll make a proper handmade x-mas gifts so this particular friend of mine can celebrate x-mas properly ^_*
I made X-mas tree decorations (I hope she buys one already) or otherwise she can hang them on her wall..
She loves Korean/Japanese craft, so I thought these simple embroideries will delight her....if I can be a bit narcissistic here, I love the Santa plush. It's really cute.
I used chain stitch and buttonhole stitch for the 'belt'. The only drawback was I didn't have x-mas green embroidery floss and I didn't get the time to go to the shop & get one...
Anyway, I hope she likes them...and I hope they can cheer her up a bit...:D
The Santa Embroidery is now available in PDF in my SCRIBD.
The Santa Embroidery is now available in PDF in my SCRIBD.
Merry Christmas & Joyful New Year everyone....