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Showing posts with label block print. Show all posts
Showing posts with label block print. Show all posts

Sunday Stash #2 - Vibrant Indian Fabric Bundles


Today I spent my morning cutting a couple of fabrics to make fabric bundles for the shops. I cut a lot of greens and yellows today. You can check my Instagram to get a sneak peek of what's coming! Meanwhile, I listed a couple of fabric bundles in ETSY SHOP and you can also find them in my WEBSHOP if you're in India. 

Scrap Bundle
I will add more scrap bundles like the one above. It consists of smaller scraps with maximum size around fat eighth (9" x 21").

The popular greens and blues

The blues and greens are always popular. They are also my personal favorite. Especially teal blue. 

Burnt orange and red

Blue Fabric Bundle
Don't you love these white based fabrics? 
Low volume - white based bundle

Indian fabrics have unique prints and colors. Some prints always available and some are seasonal. Go ahead and take a look at the shops. Pick your fave bundles. Most of them are only one bundle available, so it's a one of a kind fabric bundle. If you like,  I can also make customized bundles. 

I hope you have a relaxing Sunday!

Happy Sewing,

Block Print DIY


Do you remember this song?

"Celebrate don't you wait, never hesitate
Celebrate while you still got time

Celebrate, yeah it's great, do it right away

Turn your back it's celebration time"

Well, today I decided I will try the block printing!! Afterall I got the wooden blocks and fevicryl fabric paints a few months ago. 
I saw this tutorial on youtube (it's in Hindi) and decided to try it. And I did! 

So, here's few things I learned:

1. First, soak the wooden blocks in a cooking oil. She suggested til ka tel a.k.a sesame oil. I used whatever  I have in the kitchen. she suggested to soak overnight, I soaked for about 3 hours or so. 

2.  While the wooden blocks are being soaked,  wash the fabric that you are going to use. I used linen, the lady in the video used mulmul or voile cotton. 
After the fabric dried up ironed it nicely. I used layers of newspaper and flannel fabric as a base and laid out my piece of fabric there.

3. Now, take one kitchen scrubber, the sponge one, and a small plate to mix the colors. Transfer the paints onto the sponge. Wipe the wooden block with a paper towel first then press it onto the sponge and start stamping. One at a time. 

And here is the result.
 I love this bicycle print. 

 The Ship and Bell, more or less the same size as the bicycles. 

and I love the red florals and bells here. 

Now, I have to wait for 24 hours before I can sew them into something pretty. A wallet, sling bag, or maybe a pouch

If you ask where do I get the wooden block from? I bought it from Amazon India. There are lots of sellers who sell them in a set of few pieces. I think I am going to buy one more set. It's kind of fun. I will let you know how it is after 24 hrs. Subscribe to my blog if you don't want to miss the post. 

Yes, it's a small achievement today that worth celebrating. 
It was not perfect but then that's the beauty of handmade, right?

Until then,

Happy Diwali!!

N more fabric

OK, now it's official...I'm a fabricaholic. I vowed to buy less fabric and yet when I saw these ones today at the market I just couldn't resist it  x_x

I simply love the prints and can't stop my self. My favorite is the pink one. Which one is yours?

Happy Quilting

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