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Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Musical Night - Cadenza 5th Edition

This past weeks have been pretty busy and I was not well for a couple of days too. The weather suddenly become colder again and dry. 
My son's 2nd recital with Cadenza was successful and I'm very proud of him and all the Cadenza Team. A special thank you to Mrs. Promiti Phukan for her dedication and patience with the children. The special performance from Writam Changkakoti was fabulous and of course Nise Meruno and Thunglamo Ngullie were fantastic! 
The concert went off very well and we really enjoyed it. Even though it was suddenly raining, but the house was full! All the children performed  flawlessly. The past 3 months or so rehearsal were worth it! 
I will upload more videos of the event on my YouTube Channel. Meanwhile here is my son's performance Libertango Piano Duet 

Thank you for stopping by!

Have a nice day~

~Elvira ~

2018 is HERE

Yes, 2018 is here and I hope you all had a great New Year Party and got your resolutions written down. Me? I'm not into writing resolution. I gave up long time back. It never worked out for me. So I settle to take everything one day at a time. Be better everyday. 

Image result for garfield new year's resolution

I didn't get time to write in December, in spite of having a few things done.

We started 2018 with a good note!! Yesterday my younger son completed his first taekwondo competition where he secured his first gold medal!! It was really a proud moment. 

My elder son will have his first piano/music concert with his music school in 2 weeks. He's been practicing a lot. (he won't let me record the video -_-)

Practice makes Perfect

And look who visited us! 

Zahra & Zoya visited us and I made sling bags for them as I promised
on their last visit a couple of months ago

Our New Year's feast
Chicken BBQ  and Indonesian Chicken Satay by yours truly.

Like they say, All's well that ends well. I hope 2018 will bring more joy and happiness to everyone. 

Until then,

Happy 2018!

Movie Date : Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice

Today was the movie date with the boys and one of Rizqi's friend, Rudraneel.  They have been planning to watch Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice since the beginning of the holiday. 

Don't ask me about the movie, even if I sat there more than 2 hours, I could not understand the story. I can only say that somehow Lex Luthor reminds me of our Bollywood Badshah - Shah Rukh Khan. The body language, the way he emphasised his words, the timing of his speech. I wonder if,  maybe...just maybe Jesse Eisenberg is a fan of SRK.

Another wonder is why Wonder Woman was not mentioned in the title despite her role of helping the boys defeating the Doomsday. 

Other than that I really don't follow the story, I was busy chatting with my friends. Truthfully, I much rather watch Korean Drama any day. 

Ah, we have discussion afterwards about why Superman cannot die, and the boys keep correcting me about Krypton and when I kept saying wrong thing about Avengers, they were like

anyway, it was fun day with the boys

snack time after the movie

Now, I need my dose of Kdrama...

Until then,

Session Break

The kids report giving day was done. Now both are in 7th and 5th grade respectively. yay!! 

the boys in our vegetable garden
Nowadays the competition is very tough. I always told my friends in Indonesia, that here in India, the parents are so concerned with the children study, in this case, how much mark they bring home after every test. Be it weekly, quarterly or semester. Most children will go for extra tuition. I keep telling my boys, that I don't expect them to bring straight "A" always, for me it's more important for them to understand what they learned in school. 

Well, I must admit I also give my sons extra tuition for Maths and Hindi. For obvious reason because I don't speak or write Hindi and for maths, well because when I tried to explain they get more confuse. ha!! I always told my boys, I studied maths in Bahasa Indonesia so I am not familiar with mathematical terms in English...I know its lame haha I love maths only when I have to calculate my quilt blocks :P 

one of my WIP...too many of them :(

So, how they spend their session break holidays?  

They  had a play date
Rudraneel, Rizqi, Raihan & Agnibha

and had a fun time playing cricket to their heart's content

And one day we had a pizza day. 

when the pizza took too long to arrive, we do selfie/wefies

Raihan - who never sit still - sniffing the pepper bottle and could not stop sneezing   >-(

No pizza photos, we were too hungry to take a snap :P


The boys already plan for movie date next week.

Until then....

Have fun!!

When the boys are on holiday

Yesterday afternoon the boys wanted to make shirts and pants for their WWE heroes. So I taught them how to make the simple pattern and cut the fabric. 

They were excited and started taking out which wrestlers will get customized clothes first ^_*

With basic running stitches, they managed quite well. 

what do you think?

I think I must get a lycra fabrics for them ^^

The boys said they will make clothes for all of them
mmm there are about 2 dozens of them
let's see 

It was a well spent afternoon ^^

Until then,

Happy Sewing


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