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Showing posts with label skinny table runner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skinny table runner. Show all posts

Hand Quilted Skinny Table Runner

 Skinny Table runner

I started this skinny table runner a few months ago, but I only finish hand quilt it yesterday. Well, as usual, a lot of distractions along the way. The day before yesterday after I finished my wallet's orders  I thought I'll start another Kawandi pillow but then I saw this runner and thought " let's get this done first!" 

hand quilting

Still in my favorite design from Suzuko Koseki's book and quilted it in kawandi style. I want to make a bigger one but not sure if I can do the hand quilting. And I'd love to hand quilt it. For now, it will be on my bucket list. I will practice more now. 

By the way, if you watch Margareth Fabrizio's video that I mentioned in the previous blog post, I saw that she was holding a small pillow when she was quilting and I also saw the Siddi ladies were doing the same. I thought maybe that will make my hand /palm less painful (I have a CTS problem). So I decided to make one and have been practicing when I was working on this table runner. And yes, my hand feels more comfortable. It takes a little time to get used to it but I liked it. 

hand quilted table runner

kantha table runner

kantha table runner

Now that is done, I can start the Kawandi Pillow that I want to start. Somehow doing Kawandi is relaxing and I can sit and just sew without worrying about anything else. 

Skinny Table Runner Details

Pattern: from Suzuko Koseki Book "Modern Quilts"
Batting: Cotton Batting
Thread: Anchor #8 Pearl Cotton

Ah, today I learned a new saying from one of the dramas "sometimes we have to walk slow, to let our body catch up with our soul". I did some googling and found this article by Beth Bruno "Be Still; Your Soul is Trying to Catch Up With You" on Medium. Here are a few lines that I can totally relate to: 

"Sometimes life comes at us so fast and furious we have no time to sit with our souls and check-in." Beth Bruno

"Remember that your list will still be there tomorrow. And many of the things on it can wait. In fact, some things on that list don’t matter at all, when you really examine them. But your soul needs you. And you need it. Take time to reconnect as often as you can. You will be glad you did. - Beth Bruno

Thank you for stopping by today. 

Have a nice day! 



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