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Showing posts with label cathedral windows quilt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cathedral windows quilt. Show all posts

Cathedaral Windows continues QAL # 3

This is the last one of Cathedral Windows QAL series at Desi Quilters. It's using traditional method which is my favorite because it really has a different charm when finished. Though the ironing part is a bit tidious (at least for me..LOL)..but I love the end result of this method. If you like to make one, hop over to Chumkie's blog to see the detail instruction.

and to assemble the cushion cover I use tutorial from  WARMTH IN THE NORTH which give a perfect finish for my cushion. Now, I'm thinking of making a big one with this and I can use up all my scrap for that...hmm....

and this the 2 CW Cushion made using different method

Happy Quilting

Learning Cathedral Windows

I've been wanting to learn cathedral windows block but too scare to start until Chumkie who blogs at My Favorite Things  started a QAL in Desi Quilter's. It looks so complicated in the beginning but with Chumkie's clear instruction and see other's result, finally I managed to do it and had LOTS of FUN making them. 

The First CW QAL is Orange Peel Method.  It  is a bit tricky because you have to make it as round as possible. I made  cushion cover  with two colors, polkadots red and solid white. 

The Second one is using Flying Geese Method, which I like. I decided to use my Indonesian batik in 4 different colors for the foundation, and polkadots (again) for the window panes. And here's the result:

For more pictures you can visit my album HERE and HERE

Now, I'm off to do the 3rd CW QAL..wish me luck ^_*

Happy Quilting

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