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Showing posts with label India MQG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label India MQG. Show all posts

India MQG April Challenge

"Our lives are like quilts - bits and pieces, joy and sorrow, stitched with love"

Here's the rule of IMQG's April Challenge Your challenge is to use the colours of the IMQG logo to make a quilt block that reflects what modern quilting means to you. We encourage you to stretch yourself and plan an interesting composition that represents your own unique voice. (And if this looks suspiciously similar to the Quiltcon block challenge, IT IS.)

So I decided to make this friendship braid  mini quilt . Cos just like the braid of different color, IMQG members  come from different background and even countries. But then we have the same passion: Quilting. We share, learn and encourage each other.

You don't have to be perfect in your cutting, cos like they say "there's no mistake in cutting , there's only more  opportunity for creativity". Any tiny bits of fabrics remnants can be made into something beautiful, even as simple as these humble coasters

Just like Scott Adams said : "Creativity is allowing your self to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep"

Until then....Happy Quilting

A bit busy

A charming woman is a busy woman.
Loretta Young

March had been a busy months. I was busy with few custom orders, try to get my shop back to track again, preparing for my April's exhibition with a friend, the kids are having final exam, etsc, hence not much time to update the blog. However, all my sewing activities are (almost) regularly in my Facebook Page.  

Here are few things I've completed last month

This patchwork coaster is my entry for IMQG March Challenge. The rule was to use 2 FQ with one solid and one printed. 2 FQ will make 4 coaster (4"x 4"). and I WON the challenge...yay!!...

I made 2 of these table top. One I sent as a gift to my DH cousin. 

This drawstring bag I made based on tutorial my Ayumi of Pink Penguin. I made this as a gift for my son's teacher. 

This one also I made this table runner as a gift for my younger son's teacher. I used a matte golden fabric as border and love how it lit up the whole thing. 

There are few more things I've made during the month of March but I don't want to bore you with long post, instead please go and take a look at my Google + Album .

Thank you for dropping by
Happy Crafting 

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